Step 4: Choose a Local Site for Melderyn
Kingdom of Melderyn: City of Thay
Thay is the second-largest city in the Kingdom of Melderyn in southeast Hârn. The city is the dominant economic force in northern Melderyn, both as as a busy seaport and the terminus of one of the major trade routes of eastern Hârn. It is the closest port on the Hârnic mainland to the Lythian continent.
Kingdom of Melderyn: Cundras Keep
Cundras is the primary keep of the Order of the Lady of Paladins, a fighting order dedicated to Larani, goddess of chivalry and battle. From this stronghold on Melderyn’s frontier, the order wages an increasingly bitter and bloody struggle with the barbarians of the Solora wilderness. The well-ordered keep and its manors stand in stark contrast to the burned fields and destroyed villages of the Solori, a reflection of the political and moral turmoil the crusade has brought to the Church of Larani and its Hârnic laity.

Kingdom of Melderyn: Karveth Castle
Karveth is the biggest and wealthiest town on Elnar, a large island in the Indatha Straits that run between Melderyn and Hârn. The town is an important maritime center with a large fishing fleet. It is also the seat of Clan Avona, who have held the Earldom of Karveth for over three centuries. Earl Jannys, the current earl, is the latest in a long line of seagoing nobles.
Kingdom of Melderyn: City of Cherafir
Cherafir is the capital city and principal port of the Kingdom of Melderyn. The city is well fortified and its strong citadel is the main residence of the king. Known as the “Mages’ City,” Cherafir is seen by most as a bizarre anomaly, prone to strange happenings and inhabited by weird entities. While largely fictitious, this reputation is promoted by the inhabitants. Cherafir is the most cosmopolitan of Hârnic towns, particularly its dock-side foreigners’ quarter known as the Alienage. Cherafir has always been a city of scholars. Dozens of secret societies of practitioners of various arcane arts have their headquarters here.