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The Newest in Hârn

HârnQuest is a collection of Hârn articles released 4 times a year. Each issue is approximately 32 pages and includes articles about Hârnic kingdoms, cities, castles, history, creatures, and more. New Atlas Hârnica maps are also sent to HârnQuest subscribers as they are released.

Subscribing to HârnQuest costs $19.99* per issue (PDFs = no postage).

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NEW! Hârnquest now comes with 2 Atlas maps as well as the regular articles!

Atlas Hârnica Map M10: Melderyn Isle West (COL #5000-M10)

drawn by Joseph McCallum

This Atlas Hârnica map covers the western half of Melderyn Isle in southeast Hârn. Major settlements shown include Karveth, Nurisel, Jetust, and Wharo. Numerous Henge Culture sites are indicated, as well as the famed chantry at Gelimo.

This atlas map supplements other Columbia Games products, including Kingdom of Melderyn, Karveth Castle, and Nurisel Castle.

Atlas Hârnica Map N10: Melderyn Isle East (COL #5000-N10)

drawn by Joseph McCallum

This Atlas Hârnica map covers the eastern half of Melderyn Isle in southeast Hârn. Major settlements shown include the city of Cherafir and the keep towns of Shenap and Gosus.

This atlas map supplements other Columbia Games products, including Kingdom of Melderyn and City of Cherafir.
Hyen Keep (#5747, 20 pages)

Writers: N. Robin Crossby, Marc Renouf

Hyen keep is the only fortification held by the Agrikan Order of the Copper Hook, a formidable military force in western Hârn. The settlement sits near the southern border of the Kingdom of Rethem and has long been a pawn in the conflicts between that realm and the neighboring Kingdom of Kanday. The order continues to use Hyen to launch raids into Kanday, primarily against the Laranian Order of the Checkered Shield.

This article describes the settlement’s history, government, religion, economics, and military forces. It includes color GM and player maps of the settlement and brief descriptions of many local craftsmen and other locations. Detailed descriptions and floor plans are given for the keep, the Order of the Fuming Gate temple, a smuggler’s base, and an abandoned manor being reestablished by the Order of the Copper Hook.

Order of the Fuming Gate (#4413, 6 pages)

Writers: Marc Renouf, Brent Bailey
From humble beginnings to a position of prominence and back to relative obscurity, the Agrikan Order of the Fuming Gate has seen its fortunes rise and fall since its inception more than a century ago. The doctrinal teachings of the order seek to bring the faith to a wider audience than many other Hârnic interpretations of Agrikanism. Although this view was embraced by Arlun the Barbarian and his successors, the order has since fallen on hard times. A renewed effort to spread their ideology threatens to plunge the group into further chaos.

This article describes the order’s history, current situation, organization, daily life, and holy lore.

Order of the Copper Hook (#4414, 6 pages)

Writers: Marc Renouf, Brent Bailey
Compelled by a desire to recover its former lands and glory and to exact revenge on its sworn Laranian enemies, the Agrikan Order of the Company of the Copper Hook stokes religious tensions along the border between the kingdoms of Rethem and Kanday. The order instigated Ezar’s War, a conflict between those two kingdoms, in 682. Despite losing most of its lands, it has never recognized the 697 Peace of Selvos and continues to actively engage in cross-border raids and reprisals from its keep at Hyen. The careful leadership of Grandmaster Marag Yeredar has given the order a grim, purposeful focus and made it one of Hârn’s most dangerous fighting forces. It has a reputation for fielding warriors, particularly its cavalry, that are of far greater effectiveness than the order’s size would indicate.

This article describes the order’s history, current situation, organization, daily life, and military tactics.