Deity - A new gamemaster utility for HârnWorld!


Kingdom of Chybisa Kickstarter!

        Chybisa is Hârn’s smallest realm but is rich in both history and natural resources. The kingdom sits in the fertile valley of the Ulmerien River, where a succession of cultures across two millennia have woven a complex cultural tapestry. The kingdom’s story is one of ebbs and flows, with intrepid settlers, lands lost to barbarians, invasion and assimilation, secession and intrigue. Surrounding the kingdom are the ranges of three barbarian nations. While the Bujoc to the east are wary and few in number, the Hodiri in the south and Pagaelin in the north are among the most populous and aggressive tribal nations on Hârn.

Go to the Kickstarter!


Pigskin: The game of American Football inspired by Slapshot®

Strap on your helmet, lace up your cleats, and get ready for Pigskin, a unique American football card game inspired by Slapshot®!

Get notified of the launch on Kickstarter!


New neoprene wargaming mat for Napoleon!

(also restock of mats for Julius Caesar and Hammer of the Scots) Estimated arrival – Feb 29th!

Get some epic neoprene wargaming mats!
