The Shorkyne region in northwest Lythia lies between the Sea of Ivae and the island of Hârn to the west, Trierzon to the south, Ivinia to the north, and Quarphor to the east. The region is dominated by high mountain ranges and fertile river valleys and includes all or part of the kingdoms of Shorkyne, Chelemby, and Harbaal, and the petty fiefdoms of Hurisea.
This colorful 22×34-inch map shows the roads, vegetation, and topography of the region and is dotted with hundreds of castles, cities, and other points of interest.

The Trierzon region in northwest Lythia is bordered by the Gulf of Ederwyn to the west, the Azeryani Empire in the east, Shorkyne to the north, and the Venarian Sea to the south. The region includes the kingdoms of Trierzon, Palithane, Emelrene, and southern Shorkyne.
This colorful 22×34-inch map shows the roads, vegetation, and topography of the region and is dotted with hundreds of castles, cities, and other points of interest.

Ivinia is a group of islands off the northwest coast of the Lythian continent, roughly 200 leagues northeast of Hârn. It is a land brimming with warring kingdoms, icy fjords, and bold mariners. The Ivinians’ tough, seaworthy ships enable them to range further than any other people and they have planted colonies throughout western Lythia. They are also canny traders but are best known for the terror of their raids on the Lythian coast. The Ivinian homeland is divided into several mutually hostile kingdoms.
This colorful 22×34-inch map shows the roads, vegetation, and topography of the region and is dotted with hundreds of castles, settlements, and other points of interest.

Lythia is the largest of the three continents of Kethira, the planet on which Hârn is located, in size and population. It measures roughly 8,500 miles east to west and 6,250 miles north to south and covers 21 million square miles, the approximate size of Eurasia. Because Lythia ranges far north and south of the equator, every type of Kethiran climate and vegetation may be found, from snowy tundra and boreal forest to hot desert and tropical rainforest. The variety of peoples, languages, and cultures is vast.
This colorful 17×22-inch map shows the roads, vegetation, and topography of the region and is dotted with hundreds of castles, cities, and other points of interest.

The original Hârn map, drawn by N. Robin Crossby and first printed in 1983, is one of the most beautiful fantasy maps ever created. It is 22 x 34 inches with colorful terrain and dotted with hundreds of castles, cities, and other points of interest. This edition includes a cultural map and details on the reverse side.
The Hârn map has a letter/number grid that is useful for locating sites. Many of the grid squares have been detailed in the Atlas Hârnica series. Hundreds of closer scale, local maps, exist showing cities, castles, manors and more. The hexes on the map correspond exactly between Regional and Atlas Maps and allow reliable measuring of distances and travel times.