Examine Local Sites for Azadmere

Kingdom of Azadmere: City of Azadmere

The capital city of the Kingdom of Azadmere is an impressive walled settlement with a moat, stout double walls, and prominent towers. It is the third-oldest continuously inhabited settlement on Hârn, surpassed only by the Sindarin towns of Elshavel and Ulfshafen. The Outer City lies between Lake Arain and a massive cliff at the foot of Mount Zaduryn. The workshops of most of the city’s craftsmen are located here, as are the homes of its human residents. The Inner City is carved into the solid rock of the mountain. Its extensive chambers and passages are home to Khuzdul, many of whom work in the Outer City. Very few humans are permitted access to the Inner City. Tunnels from the Inner City lead to numerous mines and to the Godstone that sits at the heart of the mountain. The mines produce iron, precious metals, and gems. Khuzan goods are made in small quantities but are in great demand throughout Hârn and western Lythia for their superb quality.

Kingdom of Azadmere: Habe Keep

Habe is the principal human settlement of the Kingdom of Azadmere and the seat of the Baron of Habe, whose lands provide much of Azadmere’s food. The keep is one of Hârn’s oldest human fortifications and sits astride the paved road from Zerhun, guarding the ancient Gazhar Bridge. Few foreigners are permitted to travel beyond Habe to Azadmere City.

Kingdom of Azadmere: Zerhun Fortress

Zerhun is a stronghold of the Kingdom of Azadmere and the seat of Crown Prince Khazar Tarazakh. It is one of Hârn’s most impressive engineering achievements and has long guarded the southern approaches to the kingdom. Zerhun controls the eastern end of the Silver Way, Azadmere’s main connection to the lowland realms.The Jarin village of Pedwar lies just north of the fortress and is the point of entry for all trade with Azadmere.

Kingdom of Azadmere: Guthe Bridge

Guthe Bridge once carried traffic between Kaldor and Azadmere, the kingdom of the Khuzdul. Today, the collapsed bridge and abandoned gatehouse on the west bank are familiar landmarks to the mercantylers who ply the Silver Way, which passes the ancient bridge about half way between Naniom Bridge and Zerhun. To most folk, the abandoned ruins are a relic of a bygone age, a belief the Khuzdul are happy to encourage. Few know that the cliff alongside the gatehouse hides an underground outpost, now abandoned but still watched by the Khuzdul.

Kingdom of Azadmere: Sorkin Mountains

The Sorkin Mountains are one of the wildest areas on Hârn. These granite spires form a forbidding hundred-league mountain chain that walls Kaldor from the Sea of Ivae. The terrain climbs from the lowlands of the Kald Valley to peaks above 7,000 feet. There are higher peaks on Hârn, but few more rugged.

Hardy souls come to the Sorkins mainly in search of furs in the highlands and gold in the icy streams. The foothills are littered with their bones. Moss-encrusted ruins, some of Khuzan origin, some human, dot the landscape, and several are said to have contained treasures beyond value.

Kingdom of Azadmere: Silver Way

The Silver Way sets a new standard for trade route articles. The history and economic importance of the Silver Way are covered with detailed sections about each day’s march and nightly campsite.

The Silver Way is the only road into the ancient and wealthy Kingdom of Azadmere. It is one of four major trade routes that converge on Tashal, and one of the most important trade routes on Hârn. It is also one of the most dangerous.