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HârnQuest is a collection of Hârn articles released 4 times a year. Each issue is approximately 32 pages and includes articles about Hârnic kingdoms, cities, castles, history, creatures, and more. New Atlas Hârnica maps are also sent to HârnQuest subscribers as they are released.

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Thespians (#4832, 6 pages)

Writers: Joe Adams, Bernhard Bihler, Brent Bailey

Theatrical productions and fairground performances are popular with all segments of Hârnic society. Many such events are staged by members of the Guild of Thespians, a relatively small and somewhat exotic collection of actors and other performing artists. Although the guild
does not hold a monopoly on entertainment, it does control many performance venues.

A few thespians lead settled lives, maintaining or performing at a theater or similar location in a town. Most, however, are itinerant, moving between settlements to perform at festivals, fairs, or markets. A traveling troupe that performs a variety of acts is called a circus. For most, it’s a hard life, but one that can lead to wealth and fame.
This article describes the organization and activities of the Thespians’ Guild as well the guild’s place in Hârnic society.

Parnam Keep (#5716, 10 pages)

Writer: Jonathan Davidson

Parnam Keep sits on the mainland coast of the Kingdom of Melderyn within the domain of Larryn Gwenalin, the Earl of Biren. Fergeth Gwenalin, the earl’s younger brother, is the Constable of Parnam. Parnam sits on a low-lying and marshy estuary and is surrounded by mudflats, reedbeds, and scrubby carr woodland. Located on the north bank of the Belhimon River where it enters Lynon Bay, the town is well situated to trade goods from the Belhimon Valley, something the earl is keen to encourage.
This article describes the settlement’s history, government, religion, economics, and military forces. It includes color GM and player maps of the settlement and brief descriptions of many local craftsmen and other locations. A detailed description and floor plans are given for the keep.