Tharda is a plutocratic state governed by a
republican senate. The Thardic Senate is controlled by
66 wealthy patrician families who own 90 percent of
the land. The capital city of Coranan is Hârn's
largest city. There is one other walled city, Shiran,
and several large towns.
Tharda offers great opportunities for your campaign.
The senate is often deadlocked because of the rivalry
between five or six powerful factions, including an
imperialist party that intrigues for a revival of the
once-mighty Corani Empire. Relations with the
neighboring kingdoms is tense: the Republic won a war
with Kanday within the last decade and Rethem is an
unstable powderkeg. Two tribal nations also border the
Republic: the wary and often violent Gozyda, and the
ruthless Tulwyn.