Coranan is Hârn's largest city and capital of the Thardic Republic and the most important economic center of the fertile Thard River valley. It is the terminus of the Salt Route, the main trade route with eastern Hârn, and sits astride the road and river links between the cities of Golotha, Shiran, and Aleath.
With the exception of Cherafir, Coranan is the most cosmopolitan settlement on Hârn. The city's palaces and other major buildings are the legacy of the once-powerful Corani Empire. Now home to the Senate of the Republic, Coranan remains the hub of Thardic power and patronage. The city consists of several distinct enclaves, separated by inner walls and patrolled by semi-autonomous bodies of armed guards.
Coranan offers game masters many opportunities, both as the site of urban intrigue and adventure and as a gateway to western Hârn.
The Coranan article contains an overview of the city's history, economics, religion, government, and military forces. In addition to a full-page color player map, color GM maps are provided for each district of the city and more than 220 locations are described. A larger (11" by 17") version of the player map is available as a free PDF download.
Three city locations are expanded in great detail: the guildhall of the dominant faction of the thieves' guild, a gladiator school run by Usel the Swift, and the Palace of Pentacles, the hall of the association of craft guilds.