The 22" x 34" PDF map is below (along with major bonus materials you did not expect)!
Welcome to HârnWorld!
Welcome to HârnWorld, the most detailed fantasy role-playing setting ever created! This system-agnostic RPG setting has over 4,500 pages and millions of words in print, with more content added every few months.
Gamemasters can use HârnWorld with any game system to create a truly immersive and realistic fantasy experience for their players..
HârnWorld is a fantasy role-playing setting that takes pride in its internal consistency and immersive opportunity for adventure. It supports a wide range of character and campaign styles, from high fantasy to dark and realistic.
The setting is a medieval world, with all material written to describe the same game year of 720TR in the Hârnic calendar, which is roughly equivalent to 12th century Norman England. Significant elements of fantasy are added to allow gamemasters to weave magical and fantastic campaigns within a natural, plausible setting.
This makes HârnWorld a versatile and flexible setting that can be enjoyed by players of all experience levels. Whether you're looking for a traditional high fantasy adventure or a more challenging and gritty experience, HârnWorld has something to offer you.
Kethira is the name of the planet that Hârn is on.
In the Kethira module, details such as the planet's year (revolution) and day (rotation) are given for all the planets in the system along with other technical details. The year on Kethira is 360 days, and the day is 24 hours. These are earthlike on purpose - a deliberate design decision so that assumptions can be made when playing.
Drilling down to the globe of Kethira, information is provided about the planet's plate tectonics, global ocean currents, winds, and natural vegetation.
Further, star charts are given for both the northern and southern hemispheres. These include constellations, which are the basis of a system of sunsigns/zodiac.
The island of Hârn lies off the continent of Lythia which is roughly Asiatic in size and scope. Hârn is loosely analogous to England allowing more assumptions/familiarity with weather and geography (these were also design decisions).
Time-wise, Hârn is comparable to 11th and 12th century Norman England. However, the island is home to a variety of cultures, all written with plausible histories and intricate current events. The addition of elements of fantasy with believable limits and controls allows gamers to experience almost any type of medieval roleplaying using some aspects of HârnWorld.
Read about Kethira, Lythia, and more in the HârnDex.
Expand to your knowledge by getting the Lythia and Kethira modules.