Two if
by Sea
Opposing forces are divided
by large sea area. The invaders must plan and execute a multi-wave invasion to
be successful. The defender may choose to await the enemy on the beaches or aggressively
engage the enemy with submarines.

Situation: Player
A defends his territory (maps 7/8) from a superior Air/Naval force intent on invading
and securing ports.
Maps: Set-up maps as shown.
Forces: Player A
begins with 15 units at full strength or 60pp of customized forces. Forces are
deployed on friendly Cities as normal. Player A may not build Naval Units other
than Submarines. Player B begins with 30 units at full strength or 120pp of customized
forces. Player B may build any unit type. Deploy in Cities and Towns as normal.
Production: Player
A Home Cities produce +1 meaning a 2pp city is worth 3pp and so on. Player B production
is normal. Player B gets the benefit of this extra production for all controlled
Home Cities of Player A.
Victory: Play 10
Turns. Winner is the player with the most PPs on Maps 7 and 8.