Gedan is a site of Earthmaster origin in eastern Orbaal. Situated in well-forested hills, it was used by the Jarin as an ancient burial ground and is sometimes referred to as the "Lodge of a Thousand Souls." Few in their right minds approach Gedan at night, for it is widely believed to be home to more than just the dead. A faction of the Jarin resistance movement known as the Aenghysa has taken advantage of this to establish its base at Gedan. The Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright, an Ilviran religious sect, is also based at Gedan, as is the Cheyn Mhic Cainte, a band of ruthless fanatics as likely to assassinate Jarin "collaborators" as to murder Ivinians.
The Gedan article describes the site's history and current situation and the geography of the Elorna Hills. The three groups based at the site are fully detailed. Includes color maps and floor plans for the Ilviran temple, the rebel group headquarters, and the lair of a pack of Gargu-Araki (a type of Hârnic orc).