The Plain of Towers is a region in in central Hârn rich in the remnants of early Hârnic cultures. The Plain is named for the large mortared cairns or standing stones, some more than 30 feet tall, that mark the ancient barrows of the Jarin people. Items of great monetary, scholarly, and aesthetic value have been stolen from these graves; most are of Jarin origin but some were crafted by the Sindarin or Khuzdul. The Plain is within the range of the Chelni tribes and dotted with their burial sites.
The region's most prominent feature is Elkall-Anuz, the ruined city that was once the center of the empire of Lothrim the Foulspawner, the despot who ruled much of central Hârn from 110 to 120 TR. In addition to the ruins of Lothrim's city and gargun (Hârnic orc) complexes, the site includes one of best-preserved structures left by the Earthmasters, Hârn's earliest inhabitants, about which little is known. The Chelni generally avoid these ruins and are suspicious of any who show an interest in them.
The Plain of Towers article describes the history and geography of the Plain. A color map of the region indicates Jarin and Chelni burial sites, tribal camps, ruins, and other points of interest. A 14-page section provides details of the ruins of Elkall-Anuz and includes a local map and floor plans for key locations such as the Earthmaster building, a gargun complex, and the pyramidal structure Lothrim had built as his tomb. Three additional sites on the Plain of Towers are detailed: a barrow excavation site, Chelni campsite, and ruins of an ancient Jarin settlement.