12 color pages

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Sherwyn was the first Jarin fortification to fall to the viking raiders from Ivinia. The crew that captured it was an unruly assortment of outcasts and pirates. Despite years of inbreeding with the local Jarin, most members of Clan Sheerwyn continbue to show considerable hostility toward their Jarin subjects.

Valhakar Venril Sherwyn, is a violent and ill-tempered man; his bimonthly feasts are spectacles of drunken debauchery. Venril suspects the loyalty of Kjen and Thoen, the settlements that pay him tribute, while also carrying on a blood feud with Clan Serewyn of Marby.

The Sherwyn Castle article describes the settlement's history, government, religion, economics, and military forces. It includes a full description and color floor plans for the castle, along with color GM and player maps of the settlement. Details are given for many local craftsmen and other locations in the village. Also included is a two-page expansion of the house of Gerdeen the Witch, an ancient Jarin crone widely believed to have sorcerous powers.