Tashal is the largest city in the Kingdom of Kaldor, and largest on Hârn after Coranan. Constructed almost entirely of local granite and oak, shingled with weathered gray cedar, the "Gray Lady of the Kald" is appreciated more for her political and commercial significance than beauty. Beneath the city run extensive tunnels and sewers of ancient origin.
This module is an expansion of the Tashal articles originally published in Cities of Hârn and Son of Cities. Expanded to 70 pages from 12 pages, the new module contains many additional interior plans and a new color map of the Underground.
New plans include:
- Caer Elend (seven floors)
- Temple of Halea
- Temple of Ilvir
- Temple of Larani
- Temple of Naveh
- Red Fox Inn
- Galopea's Feast (Lia-Kavair Guildhall)
- College of Heralds
- Miners' Guildhall
- Mangai Square
- Mecantylers' Guildhall
- Perfumers' Shop
- Lady Cheselyne's Townhouse
- and more...
Location: Kingdom of Kaldor
Status: Royal City
Population: 11,400
Government: King/Aldermen
Military: Constable/Sheriff