The Atlas Ivinia series maps all of Ivinia at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Ivinia regional map.

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This Atlas Ivinia map features Ysling Island, part of the fog-shrouded Elkyri Isles archipelago situated off the west coast of Ivinia. Ysling and the many small islands nearby are part of the Kingdom of Rogna, which known for the ferocity and rapacity of its "sea-wolves," viking raiders who terrorize ships and settlements along Ivinia's western coast.

This map covers the lands around Coselin, the seat of Rogna's King Haakis. Like much of Rogna and Ivinia, the terrain is mountainous and has many fjords. A scattering of villages and cultivated land sits mostly along the rough coastline. Along with its interesting inhabitants, the wild terrain and harsh seas of this are offer plenty of opportunities for adventure.

Drawn by Oddgeir Drevdal