This Atlas Hârnica map covers Azadmere, kingdom of the Khuzdul, in the heart of the Sorkin Mountains. Major settlements include the city of Azadmere, the fortress of Zerhun, and Habe Keep, home to the baron who rules over the kingdom's agricultural villages. The terrain is mountainous, with villages and cultivated land clustered along the shores of Lake Arain. The map shows three major colonies of gargun (Hârnic orcs), which are a steady threat to the kingdom and travelers. The Silver Way, one of Hârn's major trade routes, winds through the mountains alongside the gorges and rapids of the Guthe and Nephen rivers and through Axxon, a barony abandoned by Azadmere after years of gargun assault. The wild terrain, ruined structures, and fearsome gargun offer plenty of opportunities for adventure.