The Atlas Hârnica series maps all of Hârn at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Hârn regional map.
5000-J4 Atlas Harnica Map J4 $6.98
Hârn products are printed on high-quality, loose-leaf pages designed to fit standard 3-ring binders. This format enables you to arrange a collection of articles that are relevant to your campaign, providing easy access to the information you need.
Atlas Hârnica map J4 covers northern Kaldor, including Baseta, Bidow, Setrew, Tonot, and Yeged keeps. The region to north of this settled area is controlled by Taelda barbarians.
Click here to expand the map.