The Atlas Hârnica series maps all of Hârn at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Hârn regional map.

5000-I1 Atlas Harnica Map I1 PRINT + PDF $9.98

Hârn products are printed on high-quality, loose-leaf pages designed to fit standard 3-ring binders. This format enables you to arrange a collection of articles that are relevant to your campaign, providing easy access to the information you need.

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This Atlas Hârnica map is for part of Hârn's northern coast, in the mountainous, fjord-riven lands of the Kingdom of Orbaal. It covers the land masses on either side of Kjenfjord. West of the fjord are the major settlements of Zuden, Thursa, and Mul and the smaller thrans that pay them tribute. At the tip of the land mass is Cape Krümen, Hârn's stormy, shipwreck-dotted northern extremity. East of the Kjenfjord is the Fyssen Peninsula and the lands controlled by Marby, Antir, and Asax. Like the rest of Orbaal, the terrain in this area is mountainous, with scattered villages and cultivated lands mostly along the rough coastline. The wild terrain, harsh seas, colonies of gargun (Hârnic orcs), and much more offer plenty of opportunities for adventure.