8 Pages

4415 Agrik: Herpa the Mace PRINT + PDF $5.98

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Hârn is home to many clerical orders devoted to Agrik, the dark god of war and violence, but none is more mystical than the Order of Herpa the Mace, whose priests are known for their ability to foresee the future with remarkable clarity. Although village soothsayers may claim similar prophetic talents, the Herpans are reputed to gain their powers by feeding the appetites of the V'hir, Agrik's demonic horde. The summoning of these demons as part of the order's rites lends it a fearsome aura, as does the fierce reputation of their sponsored fighting order, the Order of the Red Shadows of Herpa. The order is a major player in the infighting and politics within the Agrikan Church in the Kingdom of Rethem and the Thardic Republic and sees itself as poised to dominate the political landscape of western Hârn.

This article describes the order's history, current situation, major temples, holy texts, and rituals and practices of divination and demonology. It also includes information on developing PCs in the order.